“The Street ” Kindergarten proyect (2 years)

Our kindergarten children this week have carried out an activity within the project that they do in both Spanish and English called “The Street”. The main topic was road safety. To put it into practice they have organized a circuit with their scooters, motorcycles and relevant helmets. They have worked the basic rules of road safety practicing both as pedestrians, as well as drivers. In early childhood education a very dynamic and motivating methodology is followed. They work by projects, which has several advantages over other ways of working. Through the projects they acquire different skills and competences such as social, communicative and technological. They also include psychomotor work that helps in the motor development of students, so important when it comes to consolidating the issue of laterality and spatial relationships.

All this makes it a very complete training for the students as well as dynamic and fun. Through meaningful learning, students investigate topics that are real and see the usefulness of what they learn.